Volley is defined by beach paddle as the flight of the ball before it hits the ground.
2 Player Team Game Rules (4 players or more)
- Each team has only two players.
- Each player has their own paddle.
- Each team uses one ball.
Players of teams stand equal amounts of distance from one another. The object
is for players to volley the ball between them using paddles. If a team lets the ball
hit the sand or water, that team is out of the round. The last team maintaining
their volley at the end of the round scores one point. When one team gets to a
score of five points, that team is the winner of the game.
- Each team has more than two players.
- Each player has their own paddle.
- Each team uses one ball.
Players of teams stand equal amounts of distance from one another. The object is for players to volley the ball between them using paddles. If a player lets the ball hit the sand or water, that player is eliminated for the round. When there is an elimination, the game is stopped and restarted without the eliminated player. A team is eliminated when there is only one player remaining. When there is only one team remaining, that team scores one point. At the end of the round all players rejoin the game. When one team gets to a score of five points, that team
is the winner of the game.
- The game is played with only two or more players.
- Each player has their own paddle.
- The game uses one ball.
Players stand in a circle. The object is for players to maintain a volley themselves a number of times before passing the ball to the other player using paddles. The game begins with one player maintaining a volley of two bounces before he or she passes the ball to the other player. The next player with the ball maintains the same number of bounces plus one in his or her volley before passing it on. If a player lets the ball hit the sand or water, that player loses a point. The game is restarted with the player that lost a point maintaining a volley of only two bounces
per volley. Once a player has lost five points, that player is eliminated permanently from the game.
A team is eliminated when there is only one player remaining. When there is only one team remaining, that team scores one point. At the end of the round all players rejoin the game. When one team gets to a score of five points, that team is the winner of the game.
- The game is played with three or more players.
- Only two paddles are used no matter how many players there are.
- The game uses one ball.
Players stand in a circle. The object is for players to maintain a volley themselves a number of times before passing the ball to the other player using paddles. The game begins with one player maintaining a volley of two bounces before he or she passes the ball to the other player that has a paddle. The player that passed the ball must hand his or her paddle to a different player without a paddle. The next player with the ball maintains the same number of bounces plus one in his or her volley before passing it on. If a player lets the ball hit the sand or water,
that player loses a point. If a player passing the ball fails to pass the ball to the other paddle the passing player loses a point. The game is restarted with the player that lost a point maintaining a volley of only two bounces per volley. Once a player has lost five points, that player is eliminated permanently from the game.